JANUARY 2019 |
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Curated by John Teply
About the Encyclical; On Climate Change and Inequality: On Care for Our Common Home. LAUDATO SI’, mi’ Signore” – “Praise be to you, my Lord.” In the words of this beautiful canticle, Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life and a beautiful mother who opens her arms to embrace us. Thus starts the Encyclical of Pope Francis. What we are most impressed with by Pope Francis’s Encyclical is his love of the natural world, his connectedness to all life great and small, and his marvel and awe in creation. It’s a point of view in which everyone and everything is related. Justice is key in his vision. Justice to the poor, for those who are socially disadvantaged, for future generations, and to the different living creatures that we share the planet with. A conviction that to solve the environmental crisis is not an economic, technologic or scientific problem. Ultimately it’s a moral problem of our relationship to each other, our children, to future generations, to all the living things in nature, the universe, spirituality and God. Importantly, he is inclusive with a message that addresses all of us who share this planet. For those of us that sense a bigger presence in our world, the environmental crisis can be viewed as a spiritual crisis. Brother Sun and Sister Moon is not peculiar to any religious belief or non-belief. |
Participating Artists
Jessica Lynn Clark, Sean Edward Brown, EJArt CoLAB, Robert Eustace, Schel Harris, Trung Pham, Ila Rose, Hugh Russell, Shyun Song, John Teply, Elliott Wall, (with the International Laudato Si' Needlework Project), Suzanne Andrews, Marian Flood, Amy Hoffman, Polly Hughes, Nadya King, Lexi E. Johnson, Joy Merron, Lydia Needle, Bonnie Smith, Shae Uisna, Donna Vale 10% of all sales benefit: World Resources Institute |