Elisabeth Jones Art Center
feelings Feelings Festival- April 24th, 2021 - live streamed from The 1905 and from Artichoke Music.
The event was amazing in its wide breadth of artists- musicians, poets, painters, dancers and playwrights all creating work for the festival. The festival is host to an excitingly communal process in which music, dance, paintings, and one-act plays have been created based on an original song or poem inspired by a specific emotion. It was a tremendous, collaborative event showcasing the unique creative process to make this memorable experience, all done by proper social distance practices and online viewing! |
The Elisabeth Jones Art Center in Portland, Oregon hosted a collaborative event with Artichoke Music, and the 1905. The exhibition focusing on bringing the Portland community together to feel, celebrate and emote.
can you recognize the 10 emotions?
admiration |
Emily Quintero
Song by: Pretty Gritty
Running Scared I know it’s about time I’ve got to face those demons I ain’t running scared no more No more No more lying Gotta face the truth ‘cause Oh, you reap what you sow Closet full of bones Got me tethered to my ghosts Like a cloud of dust Trailing on an old dirt road What’s the use of hiding When I ain’t got much time and... Ooooh ooooh They’re gonna find me My lips are pressed together tightly It’s a lonely road but... It’s the path that I chose These hands are stained with the tears Of a broken soul Nowhere to run, nowhere to go Closet full of bones Got me tethered to my ghosts Like a cloud of dust Trailing on an old dirt road What’s the use of hiding When I ain’t got much time and... Ooooh ooooh They’re gonna find me Ooooh ooooh they’re gonna find me |
hugh j. russell
Poem by: John Miller
disgusts I have not said enough because I will not name. I have not said enough because I find I cannot name. I have not said enough, and I will not figure out why. I have not said enough because naming implicates the self. I have not said enough because then I might have to pay. I was not raised to be generous. I have not said enough because things would have to change and that everything might change seems the throat’s sedition. I have not said enough because things right now go just fine here. I have not said enough because self-regard, great books and salad days say it’s better to keep quiet. I have not said enough because words are a trap in this place. They feel wrong and underneath in the mouth, too numerous to name. But I also know it bears one name, and it is untrue, contagious and consequent, making too much of history— and I can barely say it only to you. |
Song by: Lisa Neher & Alexis Neumann
Awe Misty sounds, settle unaware, settle unaware, just being steady in the unknown, transcendent energy amidst a concentration of the unheard of yet. Natural wonder, bathe in the unknown. Blurred and bewildered, peace of the unexplored. I am comforted by my own smallness I am comforted by my own smallness I am comforted, comforted, comforted. Uncharted, untraveled beauty from wonderment. Someday, this land that you’re standing on, this land that you’re standing on, will be carpeted by burning lava, swept away by furious mud slides ripped a part by pyroclastic gales. Earth’s molten core takes orders from no one. Earth’s molten core takes orders from no one. I am comforted by my own smallness I am comforted by my own smallness I am comforted, comforted, comforted. Swallow me up into your lava dome. Swallow me up. |
evan daley
Song by: Joe Seamons
My Country Men Blues The systems rigged- but you earned ALL you own? It’s all rigged- yet you’ve earned all you own? Don’t tread on me- but leave my Medicare alone! We stole the vote- except for where you won. “They stole the vote- except for where we won.” They take our jobs, next they’re gonna take our guns. Now the migrants are coming- coming like never before, here come the immigrants pouring in like never before Who is a Native? Grand-daddys from a foreign show. None of this was happenin- back in the Good ol Days It was all better, back in the good old days - With the lost cause, the old Confederate ways. Pulling down the nation's flag, put your idols in its place. Taking down stars and stripes- put your idols in its place. They scrawled “TRAITORS” on the door of the nation’s face. Claim ”the land is ours” then treat it like a city dump Crow you are the leaders- but jiggle just like the rump. |
kia zora
Poem by: Kyle Cohlmia
Triptychal Lust 1. the ache came early today – tea on silenced teeth, intertwined in tongue and cheek but I don’t know how to say no to you when you reap my heart for all it’s worth I don’t know how else to live but to lie in these bludgeoned sheets blue ocean seas sip me back and forth until froth foams at the mouth and I am silenced into solitude I don’t know how to make my own but tiny lips of love-locked land and whispers of wheat hurt my ears - eyes blinded by the moon that murdered my speech take me back to a time when I could naively rest without the earnest thought of tanning under squalid skies or being ok with not saying anything when peony pills lap me up in languished laughter please know that my quiet (is not an option) 2. I liken this pain to an abundance of flowers - petals smelling strong and souring outside the field a lime tree on the telephone line sparks electricity connecting me to you hello I whisper it’s not love but - to desire to want to breathe in a gust of wind and follow your footsteps until we fall asleep in sheets of green a red neon light bulb falters against your skin and I know this is impossible but - attacked attraction confuses lines and leads me back to the same place the same space as when I burnt my arm on the stove a longing so strong that the sea would retreat back to the moon but - here we are candlelit and lip balm stains my teeth a passageway from me to you that feels so uncharted so help me with these feelings of madness of mad matter where mars glows so hot that we can’t see the stars over the ocean where street lights glow and snow silently falls around the heat and - (I can’t get out of this maze) 3. we bask in the light - fluorescent as it comes in waves of yellow heat across our comforters and outside the air lifts up and above the valley disappearing with every breath that stays inside stay inside – a splendid pill for happiness that replaces sunlight that replaces sleep a sickness burns down into covid nightmares that replace a handshake we stare at screens at ceiling fans at eggs burnt in the pan from the stove’s immediate heat we’re all stuck inside - grieving touch grieving rush hour our pollution and bodies heaving together over a nice (steak dinner.) |
Eryn Tehan
Video |
Song by: Sarah Clarke
Butterfly Do Butterflies know they are becoming butterflies when they become a pupa or is it a SURPRISE? How would your actions change if you knew this was only the first stage of existence? Would you slump along in your biological duty? Future coming, changing slowly- butterfly Are you frightened of these changes, are you surprised? Future speeding, crashing toward you - butterfly Winged beauty, inching creature, which is disguised? h Born, a world on a leaf the trembling branch of life Is this all that you are All the universe provides? Future coming, changing slowly - butterfly Are you frightened of these changes, are you surprised? Fight the urge to retreat Shrink from morning dew Wrap yourself in defeat A strangeness embraces you Future speeding, crashing toward you - butterfly Winged beauty, inching creature, which bears disguise? All is to be made clear The bridge-way illuminates Glory is yours to bear Witness and transmigrate Reach the endgame, no returning - butterfly What was left has turned to rot, re-energize Dry the slick off your wings Stretch to the sun You have emerged Gods chosen one Ancient folktales are etched Your soul has been stretched Enveloping all you are Butterfly Fly Fly Fly |
joanne kollman
Poem by: Rebecca Smolen
Secret Admirer Dear Virus, you are gorgeous, I’ve been admiring your persistency, resiliency, your music, your reluctancy, tenacity, destruction, your chaos, your ability to take us out with one cough, that I have no doubt. If I have caught you as if food in bear trap, snared in net, hook / line/ sinker opponent, predator, prey who is who, dear virus? My mother stares into you daily. My father greets her at the door each evening so-- I want to thank you for choosing me. Thank you for not being so obvious, heartless, devious. I’ve grown quite fond, dear virus. You are this sapiosexual’s fantasy, this poet’s pen and paper, meter and meter. I do not need to speak to linger here as carrier. Remember, you would not be carrying me. Dear virus, I see you. If you need love, I can love you. I have loved worse: creeper / suitor / lover /abuser. I’ve memorized how this goes: yell, swing, duck, cower in the corer nurse unseen bruises. I’ll tell myself I’m nothing / I deserve it. Then recover like I do, like I’ve done. Dear virus, my dear dear virus, I will welcome you in to every shadow, organ and cell. Please know that I know now I am gorgeous too. So, at least this time, it will be a fair fight. |
meghan caughey
Song by: Kendall Lujan
Envy Envy in those eyes right there every time the grass is always greener on the other side what we don't have sulk in what we do try to find some happiness hidden in the blue my skin is crawling falling into the cracks and she feels it too always wanting to be something different that you falling into the cracks and she feels it too what you don't know is all that you see the sour taste of your defeat my skin is crawling falling into the cracks and she feels it too always wanting to be something different that you falling into the cracks and she feels it too |
Bob schlegel
Poem by: Keri Hakan
Innocence Does Not Forget
Lips pressed to a winter window pane
suck at air on the other side—
eyes crossed, nose smooshed,
body ready to leap
with the squirrel’s gallop
the bird in flight
the tree’s bare, twined branches
weaving the wind.
What awaits?
Adventures atop shoulders solid,
the dirt road berry patch—
rock creature creek--
pickle clover under feet--
ready to eat.
Finger tracings on glass do not imagine
outside air or summon the squirrel,
those shoulders have softened and grayed,
crawdads are on the menu across town.
The berry patch is sprayed with some kind of cide, so is
the pickle clover--
they are invasive and weeds, after all.
While we forget because
we know better
window panes are waiting to be kissed
Innocence Does Not Forget
Lips pressed to a winter window pane
suck at air on the other side—
eyes crossed, nose smooshed,
body ready to leap
with the squirrel’s gallop
the bird in flight
the tree’s bare, twined branches
weaving the wind.
What awaits?
Adventures atop shoulders solid,
the dirt road berry patch—
rock creature creek--
pickle clover under feet--
ready to eat.
Finger tracings on glass do not imagine
outside air or summon the squirrel,
those shoulders have softened and grayed,
crawdads are on the menu across town.
The berry patch is sprayed with some kind of cide, so is
the pickle clover--
they are invasive and weeds, after all.
While we forget because
we know better
window panes are waiting to be kissed
The exhibition will be curated by the Elisabeth Jones Art Center’s Executive Director, John Teply, and Director of Exhibitions, Inga Hazen. |
Questions about submissions? Get in touch! [email protected]