Live from Portland, OR
Emotional Healing Through Art Journaling
In this class series, Rosa Phoenix shares the WISE Body Art Journal, a tool for developing a better relationship with the body, potentially exploring health or body image issues, with the aim of enhanced well-being and greater self-love. This method involves "mapping" the body through drawing or using other art methods, as well as exploratory journaling using writing prompts, interspersed with guided meditations and gentle movement and breathwork. This is a method Rosa Phoenix used to cope with her own health conditions. The WISE Body Art Journal may be used by anyone, regardless of their artistic skill level. This method helps people to access the creative flow, leading to heightened inspiration, intuition and the “inner knowing” of the body. Developing this awareness encourages healing and balance.
Class structure:
This will be a series of four 2-hour classes taught online through the Zoom platform. Students may take the entire series or “drop-in” on any single class or a number of classes. The classes will all have basically the same flow of activities to them, but each will focus on a different way of using the WISE Body Art Journal method.
Level: all levels teens -adults
Dates: Sundays June 7th, June 14th, June 21st, June 28th
Class Outline:
- Welcome and Introductions, summary of how the class will flow.
- Sharing intentions.
- Explanation of the WISE Body Art Journal Method. WISE stands for the steps in the journaling process.
- We go through the steps:
- W (Witness) guided meditation to scan the body and note feelings and sensations.
- I (Image) Map the body in the art journal, and highlight areas to focus attention on. Follow with movement and break.
- S (Sense) Observe the body map, and explore through journaling with writing prompts.
- E (Express) Use what we have already done as a jumping off point. Expression could take the form of adding to the body map, creating new art from that, more journal writing, movement, dance, it’s up to you.
- Closing circle with gratitude and sharing takeaways.
- Invitation to the next class.
Materials needed:
Personal computer & good wifi required
*Note below are only suggestions, and you don’t need to have all of these; please use what you like and have access to.
1. Spiral bound mixed media sketchbook, 9”x12” *I like the Strathmore Visual Journal
2. Journal or notebook to write in, and pens of varying colors
3. Scrap paper
4. Pencil and soft eraser
5. Watermedia such as watercolor paints, watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons
6. Paintbrushes and cup for water (if using watermedia) *I love waterbrushes (paintbrushes you can fill with water, then you don’t need a water cup).
7. Crayons
8. Colored pencils
9. Gel pens
10. Felt tip markers
11. Paper towels
12. Small spray bottle
13. Collage materials such as magazine pictures, assorted papers, glue sticks and scissors, stamps etc.
14. Tracing paper
Registration: $25 per class
Register by Saturday at midnight prior to class below
Register by Saturday at midnight prior to class below
Rosa Phoenix teaching.
Rosa Phoenix is a visual artist, educator, reiki healer and creativity coach who is passionate about sharing creativity as a healing modality. Her artwork in watercolor, pen and ink is inspired by her love of Nature and the spirit within all living beings. She is a contributing author to The Creativity Workbook: 50+ Inspiring Exercises for Coaches and Creatives Worldwide and Inside Creativity Coaching: 40 Inspiring Case Studies from Around the World. She lives in Portland, Oregon and loves hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest forests.
Rosa Phoenix
Artist + Educator
Creative Awakenings Coach
Rosa Phoenix is a visual artist, educator, reiki healer and creativity coach who is passionate about sharing creativity as a healing modality. Her artwork in watercolor, pen and ink is inspired by her love of Nature and the spirit within all living beings. She is a contributing author to The Creativity Workbook: 50+ Inspiring Exercises for Coaches and Creatives Worldwide and Inside Creativity Coaching: 40 Inspiring Case Studies from Around the World. She lives in Portland, Oregon and loves hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest forests.
Rosa Phoenix
Artist + Educator
Creative Awakenings Coach